Thursday, December 10, 2009



Coucou tout le monde !!
Weeks 2 and 3 have been pretty uneventful, so I thought I'd combine them.
A lot of school atm, poor Eva is swamped with exams. :S
So I sit there writing postcards, reading...and sleeping. *giggles*


Well by week 2 I was pretty well adjusted to Rouen,
and the French ways of life.

School 6 days a week, (YES I GO SATURDAY MORNING TOO), late dinners, coffee + TV time with Eva, kebabs with Juliette, and rendez-vous at the ice kating rink in front of the hôtel de ville (the hown hall. Also note that I have now accomplished adding accents on letters with the french keyboard! It's more difficult than it looks! -- ô,â,î,ë :D)

When the french go out on Saturday nights they go to: A concert, a gathering, a movie or a bar. YES, a bar; it's surprising that they don't ask for ID when you enter. It's ok though, we just sit and chat, it's quite relaxing. :) On the Saturday night of the 2nd week, I went to O'Kallaghans with Eva and Gauthier, before going to a concert which began 1 hour late; Me and Eva ended up coming home and watching TV till 1 in the morning. ^^

My Sunrise; With orange juice and grenadine <-- A fruit with the BEST FLAVOUR EVER. :)

Sunday was my first REAL french speaking session! We went to a family friend's house, and the most english I got out of them was thankyou, and good D: So I spoke a little french, and listening a lot. Surprisingly I understood quite a bit of what was said !!


A friendly game of French Scrabble, with help from Cathie! :D

I'd also like to add that we made a cake for dessert on that day.
...A CHOCOLATE cake !!
Cooking with Cathie was very productive, at times! ;D

Cathie doing the 'difficult' work :P

Raja enjoying the leftovers! :D

...And some fatty. ^^

The finished product - I got a MASSIVE piece of that!

This week was SO Christmasy! It makes me so excited! There's lights in the streets, the christmas markets + ice skating rinks are open, but still WE HAVE NO CHRISTMAS TREE! Lawl, no pressure though, they are being sold on every second street. :)
On Monday night I went to the theatre, to see a show called "Les Douze Pianos d'Hercule" - It's quite simple to figure out what that means, douze = 12, and I wonder what pianos means... ;)

The whole show was this crazy guy playing piano, and telling the crowd how the piano piece told a story about a little boy called Frederick at Christmas time. He was very funny, and the parts where I understood what he was saying made me giggle. ^^

AND, I have another cake story! So in France, every day of the year corresponds to a certain Saint of the Catholic church, you know; Saint Peter, Saint Nicholas, etc. ANYWAY, so this week o friday it was St Daniel, which also means... ST DANIELLE! :D :D :D

Yep, the fatty got more cake! :D It was cool though, because Nadim and Hagere were there too. It felt just like my birthday all over again. ^^

(from left, in case you forgot) - Raja, Hagere, Nadim, Cathie, Eva :)

This weekend I went and saw 'Paranormal Activity', in French of course! I was SO scared, even though I didn't understand much- just the swear words. *giggles* Afterwards, we had McDonalds for tea- now let me explain things about french McDonalds! -

1. The colour of the outside of the store is GREEN. It was really confusing because we were 'walking to McDonalds', and I didn't even realise we were there!

2. On the drinks menu, there's BEER. Interesting no? But not surprising, these french people love their alcohol. I would also like to mention that there is icetea on the menu, something that the Australian maccas should take on. :)

3. So these french people are smart. There is a normal line, but instead of waiting in line, you can just walk up to a machine, and order your food there! It is really exciting to do actually, but then again its quite lazy haha. ^^

On Sunday, we did some mega shopping at 'Les Docks' - A shopping centre a bit like Whitties or the Galleria. And I tell you what, Christmas spirit was all around! And in France, the decorations MOVE! It's so amazing, take a look:

Yep, the bear is stirring porridge or something, but I don't know what they're doing on that horse :/

A MOVING hockey game! ^^

Me, Eva and the peadophile beaver :/ He kept talking to us in English...


Hmmm...Now that I think about it, heaps of stuff has happened in the past 2 weeks, I just haven't noticed it. Many things are still new to me :) Christmas isn't too far away now! I hope it's gonna be a white one here in Rouen.

à bientôt!

Dani. xoxo


  1. nawwww awesome ^^ its one week before CHristmas!!!yayyyyy

  2. Ok i have to say hahahahaha because you go to school on saturday lol :P

    and i also have to say that paranormal activity wasnt that scary lol thats if you exclude the last scene lol

    any way your real name day was yesterday lol

    well you seem to be having a lot of fun and you seemed happy because it snowed yesterday :]

    and i dont have much to write so i will leave it at that.

    miss you lots

    My favourite part is when she gets dragged out of her bed ^^ I giggled/had a heart attack

    :D :D :D
    It's still snowing here today, but it's quite light, not enough for another snowball fight ^^

  4. No dani it wasnt lol but then a again i am cold hearted lol :P

  5. Oh of course you are Dimitri *rolls eyes*

  6. DANIII hi =)
    ok green maccas what the? ive been to 3 differnt ones (fatty haha not reallly) and they were the same colours as normal. But i was sooo stoked about the ice tea too ay. You get it like you get coke from one of those machines and its peach! pretty much the best thing they sell at macces haha
    oh and ive had grenadine too, like we bought the siroup, its pink right and the flavour is like a bunch of different berries? and u just add water and BAM amazing =)
    love you miss you

  7. Hey beautiful!!! Wow ur trip sounds so amazing!! Haha but if we had beer at our Maccas EVERYONE would be so off their face!! hehe. Naw how amazing does Christmas in France sound!! Is it all white n snowy??? okay so ull Neva gues this but it's CATHERINE MAC!!! =D xxx
