Thursday, December 3, 2009



SO, I thought I'd write a little blog about the differences between Australia and France:

So, we go to school on average from 8.30 - 4.30. So don't go complaining to me about your 9.00-3.00! The upside is that we get an hour for lunch, so me and Eva go home and watch 'Friends' - in French of course! :D
But today, I honestly fell asleep during class! I was even dreaming!
Good thing it was only the biology teacher.

Him: (In French) You follow Eva in all of her classes?
Me: Huh? I mean... oui. ^_^
Him: It is boring for you?
Me: Yesssss, a lot of the time.

I'd like to give you all a description of my teachers:

~ Physics/Chem: A woman who speaks with a horrible accent according to everyone, likes to shout at the class, and you can never get a smile out of her! I got a tiny one yesterday, though I think it was just the way her mouth was moving as she said "merci".

~ History/Geography: One of those men whom you can't tell if he is gay or not... He has the potential though haha. We get to have breaks when he's had enough of the class or needs to have a smoke. Don't like him much - I can't read during his class. -_-

~ Philosophy: A very agreeable woman, she told me how much she loves Jane Austen, so she gets brownie points for that. The only thing is, she REALLY needs to wash her hair...And shave her armpits! D:

~ Biology: A relitavely nice man, who doesn't mind if I text/fall asleep in his class. Today he was teaching us using plastic trees and giraffes, I don't know why! *giggles*

~ Maths: This lady is quite nice, but if she gets annoyed you'll hear about it. She likes to tell Eva off a lot, just because she talks to me! :S

~ Italian: This woman is really cute - She speaks beautiful Italian, and beautiful French. Unfortunately, she doesn't speak a word of English.

~ English: Well, this is OBVIOUSLY my favourite class! The teacher makes me pronounce things all the time so I feel kinda pro. Everyone loves me in that class haha. :)

But no, I do not like French school very much. All the kids are really nice though, and I'm starting to understand more of their conversations. :D

The School Hall :)


I think for this one we'll do a small comparison:

- 7.30am: The occasional breakfast, if I have time
- 10.30am: Recess
- 12.50pm: Lunch
- 4.00pm: Afternoon tea
- 6.30pm: Dinner

- 8.00am: Breakfast
- 12.30pm: Lunch
- 4.30pm: Afternoon tea
- 8.30pm: Dinner (The time is on average, sometimes we eat even later)

So as you can see,

Also, the food in France is sometimes very different !
I LOVE the cheese, yoghurt and croissants ;D
But I'm a bit hesitant about the paté...You don't know what that is? Here -

The paté I'm going to try at Christmas is the most famous one: Frois Gras.
Basically what they do is stuff food down the throat of a geese until it dies, and then they cut out the liver and you eat it! Sounds delicious right? Well the french love it....

Frois gras; in english "fat liver"


Yeah yeah, I know, you're thinking "well obviously". But I have NEVER heard speaking THIS fast! I mean, you think I talk at the speed of light? Nope, the french do! And then it's even faster when they're excited, drunk or angry. ^_^

I like how everyone tries to talk in English to me, it's nice and much of a relief, but I really would like to speak some French! Hopefully I will soon - I've been doing a lot of listening just no speaking, except when a person speaks no English at all! The French use a lot of English words as I said before; One I picked up was that a geek is called a "no life" in France! :D

I tell you what, the french go all out for Christmas! There is:

- Christmas Markets: Each year there is a theme of a different country! This year the chosen country was Canada, so there's all of the Canadian flag everywhere!

- Ice skating: IT'S THE CUTEST THING EVERRRRRR! There's one outside the town hall that everyone goes to, I really want to try it!

- Christmas Mass: Even if you're not Catholic, EVERYONE goes to Christmas Mass. It's in any church of Rouen (so you have a wide choice), and it happens late at night so you go with your family. Very pretty and intruiging, even if you don't understand. ^_^


A regular keyboard

AZERTY Keyboard

I honestly doubt you can tell the difference, but the AZERTY keyboard allows you to use accents for French words, but some of the letters are in completely different spots! It's like, WHERE THE HELL IS THE FULL STOP? D:

I'm pretty much used to it now though, it was difficult at first!

Anyway, that's the things I've noticed that are different in Rouen. Week 2 update coming soon!

à bientot!

Dani. xoxo


  1. i couldnt find the full stop either!!!! and i was trying to go onto my hotmail account..failedddd like 5 times!!
    Frois gras...*screams and runs away*
    :):):) xoxox

  2. *giggles*
    But i will, to be polite ^^

  3. ok well firstly, dani you shoudnt be falling alseep in classes seccondly the looks like one big ass school!!!!

    next that pate would be horrible, not to talk about the amout of fat in it, why not eat a 400kg guys liver!!!!

    you need to stop speaking english and pretened you only know french :]

    also its good to hear that no more french boys have tried to hit on you lol hahahahaha

    we also have iceskating in perth lol its the best in summer

    well have fun we talk heaps any way

    miss you heaps dani

  4. oh i forgot to say well there is your big comment lol :P

  5. "The only thing is, she REALLY needs to wash her hair...And shave her armpits! D:"
    ...thats freaking disgusting >.<


    but this is your best entry so far :) sounds like you're having supercalafrickenawesome fun there :)

    miss youuuu


  6. One the Philosophy teacher... *shudders*

    Two the freaking fat liver stuff sounds gross...

    I can just imagine Richard raging about that stuff... haha

    what is wrong with the french???

    The biology teacher teaching with toys?!?!? i wish our teachers were ass cool as that!

    and is that rally your school??

    thats pretty psycho!

    Have fun with your french keyboards and sleeping in class!! :P

    missing you a lot...


  7. Kaity:
    testing if this works then maybe ill retype my whole awesome comment i wrote before the site decided to send it into cyberspace!

  8. oh thats so typical it works now after it has deleted my comment!!! technology keeps failing me!!!
    as i was saying, before technology rudely interrupted me. I love your blog entries they crack me up =)
    I really hope i dont have to eat the pate ewww =(. I also get really hungry a lot because i love to snack which is why when im out alone i go into a bakery =)
    what temperatures are you getting in Rouen? its averaging about 7 or 9 degrees here.
    Well miss you and wish we could hang out!!

  9. It's about the same katie!
    Occasionally it gets sunny hahaha
    But I don't think I'll be expecting any snow this christmas :/

  10. it is freeeeeeezingggggggggggg here
    i miss u dani u werent on fb today when i was on :/ hope you're having fun:) C'EST LE DERNIERE SEMAINE AVANT LES VACANCESSSSSSS OUAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:D:D::D:D:D:D
